Wednesday 22 October 2014

B-I-Z-A-R-R-E: Human UFO Spotted Flying Past Airbus Full Of Passengers At 3,500ft Without Been Suspended To A Parachute

Pilots on a holiday jet were left stunned when a 'flying man' whizzed past their aircraft at 3,500 feet. 
The mystery man flew within 100 metres of the plane and left the pilots baffled as to how he was moving through the air, as neither could see a canopy suspending him.
There was also no sign of him on the radar and further checks failed to reveal any paragliders, parachutists or balloonists in the area at the time.

He appeared from nowhere as the Airbus 320 passed Macclesfield while it was coming in to land at Manchester Airport and has been dubbed the 'Superman of Macclesfield'. 
The Airprox Board, which looks in to near misses, said:
'They first sighted the object a few hundred metres in the 11 o'clock position 200 to 300ft above.
'It passed down the left-hand side of the aircraft at 100 to 200m.
'The crew only saw it fleetingly, there was no time to take avoiding action and they based their assumptions on it being a person under a canopy. But neither can remember seeing a canopy.'
The official report in to the incident on Friday June 13 admitted it was 'unfortunate' and 'frustrating' there was 'no way of corroborating what they had reported'. 
Aviation expert Chris Yates said: 'It is a complete and utter mystery.'  

The incident was not the first sighting of human UFOs.
In April a figure was filmed flying over people in Qutub Minar, India, and the video quickly went viral on the internet.
Closer to home in Staffordshire, another man was spotted soaring over Cannock Chase in February 2009.
Five people contacted the local newspaper and described it as a “Superman” moment, with one believing he was using a James Bond-style jetpack.
In 1969 US Marine Corps private Earl Morrison and two friends saw a strange“winged” figure with a “greenish glow” crossing the night sky near Da Nang, Vietnam.
He said: “After it got close enough we could see what it was. It looked like a woman, a naked woman.”

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